Effetto Footwear, chef shoes, clogs, chefs clogs, chefs footwear, croc clogs, crocks clogs, mediplogs, Autoclavable Clogs, Calzuro Clogs


Effetto Footwear, chef shoes, clogs, chefs clogs, chefs footwear, croc clogs, crocks clogs, mediplogs, Autoclavable Clogs, Calzuro Clogs
Calzuro Calzuro

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in www.calzuro.com and the fine footwear and other products we offer working professionals. If you have any questions about our products you may contact us using the form below and we will reply within one business day. You may also call our office during business hours. M-F 8-5 EST

SMD Wynne Corporation

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SMD Wynne Corporation
8055 B Corporate Blvd
Plain City, OH 43064
Tel: 800-324-6090

The Uniform Store
6595 Dublin Center Drive
Dublin, OH 43017
Tel: 614-793-0469

M-TH 10-6
F & S 10-3

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